By Avinoam Idan
February 6, 2017, the CACI Analyst
Israel’s Prime Minister Binjamin Netanyahu made a landmark visit to Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan in December 2016. The Israeli Prime Minister's visit reflects Israel’s growing interest in Central Asia and the Caucasus, a region that is part of Israel's greater strategic environment. Israel's interest in Kazakhstan focuses on its trade potential, its regional and international status, and its position as a vital link in the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative. Azerbaijan's geographical location, its role as a significant energy exporter, and its security approach have been foci of the close relations that have developed between Baku and Jerusalem over the years. The Prime Minister's visit reflects the continued deepening of ties with Azerbaijan.
- Israel
- Azerbaijan
- Kazakhstan
- South Caucasus
- Central Asia
- Caspian Sea region
- OBOR initiative
- Belt and Road Initiative
- BTC pipeline
- Mediterranean Sea
- Shanghai Cooperation Organization
- Armenia
- 2016 Four Day War Nagorno Karabakh
- Shah Deniz gas field
- Binjamin Netanyahu